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Structure of the Data

As explained in the methodology section, the growth of the garrison state is measured by differential trends in legislative agreement on national security debates as opposed to those on other foreign policy issues. The unit of analysis is thus the debate; with 3 time periods (early cold war, late cold war, and post-9/11), 2 issue areas, and 7 countries, there will be 42 debates all told. A list of the 21 national security debates is available here, along with information on the subject and dates of the debates and a link to the PDF files of the original transcripts. Unless otherwise specified, debates are for the lower house only.

There are 4 types of data for each debate:

  • A "roadmap" of the speeches and interventions, by speaker, with their party affiliation and the position they took on the bill, in chronological order. (Word file.)

  • Sentence-by-sentence paraphrases, and summaries of each paraphrased paragraph, for each speech. (Word file.)

  • A list of all reasons (justifying speakers' votes) used in the debate. (Excel file.)

  • Paragraph-by-paragraph reasons and reasoning chains, for each speech. (Word files.)

Currently available data can be requested by sending an email to the project OR by filling out this form. Please always cite: Garrison State Project,, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

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